Sticky post

about the poems & photos

Come all ye rolling readers, may ye find delight in my poems inspired by the ‘Word of the Day’, daily prompts, life’s adventures, and my love of nature. Wander through these verses at thy leisure, or begin thy journey on my ‘featured reads’ page, oft renewed. Many thanks, good folk.

📜14th day of October, my poem “mojo” was featured upon Moyer’s new blog, Spiro Keats: A Creative Community for Those Living with Lyme Disease. Grant her a follow, and if you will, offer her and the community your support.

📜13th day of October I do declare a brief respite from TwX! I thank thee for thy steadfast support of my humble verses upon this platform. Of late, mine replies have been rendered invisible, and my likes have mysteriously vanished, these past weeks. Thus, I shall take my leave for a short while. Though I shall miss the vigor of thy presence, thou mayst find me in other realms of the digital world (links in mine Linktree). It is time once more to share in those spaces. Should this strange occurrence have befallen thee, or if thou knowest a remedy, do send word.

📜7th day of October, my poem “baby” was featured upon Kelly Sauvage Moyer’s new blog, Spiro Keats: A Creative Community for Those Living with Lyme Disease.

📜15th day of September, heartfelt thanks are bestowed upon the esteemed, Bartleby B. Boar Award winner, Fizzytwizler for her most splendid reading of my poem ‘nightfall.’ I bid thee follow her on her social accounts, the links to which accompany the poem.


∴ wind bites ancient stone—stories etched in breath ∴1

  1. I posted a potential Welsh translation on Tŵt Wales as part of a new series where I test and stretch my Welsh language skills. My goal is to post at least 1 poem per week on Mastodon. Dewch i ddweud helo! ↩︎

awake & bite

∴ bite of morning air
awake, the world breathes through me—
all paths lead inward ∴ 1

  1. I’m not in the habit of ‘overusing’ prompts, but I used ‘bite’ from the HaikuFeels prompt twice today—see monoku. ‘Awake’ is today’s vss365 prompt. ↩︎

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