∴ i hailed a Fiat1 taxi
to the diner at dawn
where clattering cents fill the air
and memories, like die-cast
some patrons wore
etched by the toll of time

no need to tally my cash
the sound of change jingled
in my pockets and my socks

at the counter, i scanned the menu
flavors swirl before me
mint julep, too early for such luxury
so i settle for silver-dollar pancakes
a bite of yesteryears

in the corner
a couple exchanging
their counterfeit kisses
faux and shallow treasure
as their own wandering
eyes look elsewhere
lost in their own distractions

coffee’s copper hues
and steam rising from teas
accompanied by music
from the jukebox
worth a paltry nickel
moments purchased
with more than mere coin ∴

  1. playing with a Fiat auto and fiat currency here ↩︎

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