Category: video


under the soft candlelight’s  glow we tread,

each flicker, a truth unveiled, in shadows spread


into the thick where darkness laments and sighs,

paradox deepens beneath the starlit skies


on this dim-lit trail, until the rising sun


∴ in woods’ deep twilight,

a lute’s wild chords resounding,

creatures gather close


moonlit party takes control,

chaos beneath night’s bold cloak


in search of answers, i stumble and fumble,

through the chasm of thought, in shadows i crumble


guided by starlight, my journey’s begun,

chasing truth’s rabbit, ‘neath the setting sun


in late September’s twilight, a mystic trance,

the forest’s heart awakens in nature’s expanse


with russet fox as guide, leaves softly fall,

in autumn’s chanting, we heed the forest’s call

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