∴ discovering flowers
within verses
tracing their petals
along alluring contours

my waking dream—
one blossom overtakes
eluding all measure
enchantment aloft
sweet sepals beckoning

summer day wanes
once bright-eyes blink
innocence’s vision slowly fades
nodding, surrendering to slumber

nightfall, brings me to life
among lush saxifrage and arnica
savoring the intoxication
of wildflower nectar
reveling in nature’s games

feral wolf, a flame
of spirits barely kept at bay
yet promise—
these canines of mine
can be gentle and kind

shall we play? ∴1

Below is a poetry reading performed as part of the #FizzysSundayAudio series on xTwitter. 2

  1. Nacho & Alice’s #NAlove Highlighted Poet & Poem on 8 June 2024 ↩︎
  2. Special thanks to Fizzytwizler, Bartleby B. Boar Award winner, and Amazon No. 1 bestselling anthology author, for the brilliant reading! Thank you, Fizzy! Follow her on xTwitter and Instagram. 15 September 2024 ↩︎

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